Cindy Rigling, Head of School is a seasoned educational and instructional leader with over thirty years of professional experience in the field. Her prior work in educational leadership primarily focused on inquiry and concept-based learning as a means of closing the achievement gap. Cindy has been a part of several school turnaround projects and has experience with program development and management (preschool - high school) in public, private and independent schools. She has presented various aspects of her work at conferences nationally and internationally. Cindy served as Vice - President of the Primary Years Programs for the New England hub for five years on the board of the Guild of International Baccalaureate Schools of the Northeast (GIBS). She has authored numerous articles about international education and currently also serves as an accreditation visitor for the international division of the New England Association for Schools and Colleges (NEASC).
Cindy earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Binghamton University, a Master of Education degree from Boston College and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) in Educational Leadership from Central Connecticut State University.