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Early Learning


Early Learning at GEMS

Our Early Learning program encompasses the first few years of the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) and unlocks the innate curiosity and imagination of our learners, placing them firmly on the path toward becoming principled and knowledgeable global citizens.

at a glance


Our program is designed for students to be self-directed in their learning. They become problem solvers that are learning academic, social, and behavioral skills to use them to develop solutions.

Room for Exploration

In our program, students explore a variety of concepts and content and learn that there is no one single way to do things. We want our Early Learners to grow comfortable expressing themselves and see that learning happens everywhere, not just at school


After School Program

Field Studies


GEMS World Academy Chicago: Early Education Video

Discover the incredible teaching and learning that takes place inside GEMS preschool through kindergarten classrooms. Our caring teachers create a warm and nurturing environment filled with activities that tap into young learners' innate sense of curiosity.

It’s an honor being a GEMS parent and seeing my son experience the world face-to-face in his education.

Source: GEMS Parent

We put a lot of time and research into finding the best possible school environment for our daughter, and every day confirms that we made the right choice by choosing GEMS World Academy.

Source: GEMS Parent
All Videos

The Primary Years Program in an Early Years Setting

Learn how the PYP in an Early Years setting helps students reach their full potential through stimulating experiences and an acknowledgement that each child is unique.


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  • Category

  • Time

    8:30 AM-9:30 AM
  • Location

    GEMS Building


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    12:00 PM-1:00 PM
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  • Time

    5:30 PM-6:30 PM
  • Location

    GEMS Building

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