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Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon

Inspired by social issues discussed in their eighth-grade humanities classes, students explored the art of political cartoons and created their own. Cartoons are meant to make viewers think about the issues, take action, and to document these pivotal moments in history. The students depicted causes that held personal significance. Selected topics included the women’s movement, LBGTQ rights, antisemitism, the Black Lives Matter movement, immigration, RBG, and the recent election - some cartoons depicted accusations of voter fraud and others emphasized the popular vote versus the electoral college. In several BLM cartoons, eighth-graders based their drawings on personal experiences of African American stereotypes and push back they received in support of the movement.

This is another example of ways our students are challenged to think independently and take responsibility for their learning, investigating local and global issues in real-life contexts. Click here to learn more about our programs or to register for a virtual info session.

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